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DEAL – Discover Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Want to get involved with entrepreneurship at MIT? Have an idea you just can’t wait to launch? The Discover Entrepreneurship and Leadership Program (DEAL) was created to help bring out the entrepreneur in you, and get you ready to start and develop your own business.

DEAL is designed to bring together the entrepreneurially-minded students from the MIT Class of 2028 and introduce them to the resources available both at MIT and in the Cambridge/Boston ecosystem. No entrepreneurship experience is needed, just an interest and curiosity to explore business and entrepreneurship at MIT.

DEAL is an intensive multi-day bootcamp that will force you to think like an entrepreneur and develop a rough business plan. You will meet amazing professionals (entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, industry professionals), current undergraduate entrepreneurs, curious upperclassmen, and possibly even your future business partners during this wild adventure!

When you’re not working on a business plan or developing an elevator pitch, you’ll also have the chance to explore and have fun in and around Boston, Cambridge, and MIT.


The finalized schedule will be available in early August. Past DEAL experiences have included:

  • Trips have to places such as: Techstars, MassChallenge, Cambridge Innovation Center, Restar Ventures, Clean Energy Council, Boston Science Museum, and Venture Capital firms
  • Workshops and chats with founders from companies such as: Twitch, Vox Media, Beyond Meat, YCombinator, many homegrown MIT startups, and more!
  • Exploring on-campus resources such as: The Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, MIT $100K, Startlabs, Sloan E-Club, Sloan Business Club, MIT Venture Mentoring Services, MIT Technology Licensing Office, and entrepreneurial classes
  • Networking events with venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, professors, and leaders on campus

DEAL Specifics

  • Dates: Tuesday, August 20 – Saturday, August 24, 2024
  • Space available: 20
  • Cost: $95