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Rewards and Recognition/AA Points

We reward and recognize your contributions by giving you the opportunity to earn AA Points.  

The Undergraduate Advising Center appreciates everything that you do! Because your diligent and ongoing support to advisors and advisees exponentially improves the first-year experience, we give you the opportunity to earn AA Points throughout the the semester. When you participate in advising activities, you earn AA Points. Here are some examples:

  • Host Weekly Hub 
  • Complete AA training
  • Complete feedback forms
  • Submit photo of advising group activity
  • Share Idea to improve advising
  • Refer student to a campus resource
  • Anything else that you come up with

Once you’ve earned 5 Points, you are eligible for a reward – Tech Cash, Coop merchandise, swag, and more!  It’s a fun way and easy way to recognize your AA accomplishments so LET US KNOW
by posting on Slack #advising-activities or emailing